Our toddler program provides a stimulating and supportive environment for young children as they develop independence and explore their world.
Our Approach
We focus on developmentally appropriate activities, fostering independence, and creating a positive learning environment tailored to toddlers’ needs.
Self-Help Skills Development
Our toddler-sized environment promotes independence in daily tasks such as feeding, toilet use, and dressing. We encourage a “can-do” attitude through patience and step-by-step learning.
Learning Activities
- Language development: Alphabet and phonics activities
- Early math materials
- Child-directed art experiences: Various mediums including crayons, paint, and clay
- Motor skills development: Manipulatives, movement activities, and outdoor play
Meals and Snacks
Group meals promote social skills and manners. The Nursery provides morning and afternoon snacks; children bring their own lunch.
Early afternoon nap on toddler-sized cots. Quiet activities available for non-sleepers after a 30-minute rest period.
Outdoor Activities
Weather permitting, toddlers enjoy outdoor playtime twice daily on age-appropriate equipment.